Mike Rousseau was a trained soldier so he instinctively presented his handgun and shot the guerilla twice in the chest, launching both rounds in quick succession. Click While engaged in fighting at the airport of Loureno Marques (modern-day Maputo), Rousseau was armed with only a Browning HP35 pistol. Those who were combat veterans resented being placed under the command of younger and less experienced Rhodesians. [86] Due to the difficulty of drafting legislation that could effectively ban Britons from serving with Rhodesia or enforcing the measures that were brought in, there is no record of any British citizens being punished for serving with the Rhodesian Security Forces during the war. If the target continues to advance despite two well-placed shots to the torso, the shooter follows up with a more precisely aimed (and more difficult to accomplish) head shot. [1] From 1962 its government was led by the Rhodesian Front political party. Facebook A British deserter from the Rhodesian military claimed in 1976 that 2,000 of the 6,000 regular soldiers in the Rhodesian Army were British and another 100 Americans. [5] South Africa and Portugal provided Rhodesia with assistance, and it was able to evade the sanctions and covertly trade with many countries. Rousseau and his mates were in action clearing the airport in what was then known as Lourenco Marques, the Maputo appellation came later. [39][40][41] Sources differ on whether these men were paratroopers or members of the French Foreign Legion. You fight with what you have, and at about ten paces (or five yards) Rousseau fired two 9mm rounds into the fighters chest. 2001 - 2011 Democratic Underground, [9] It took pains to not be seen as racially or politically extreme, and the party's rhetoric was focused on the need to combat the perceived communist threat rather than the goal of sustaining racial superiority. this do in honour of dead mercenaries - Democratic Underground Upon hearing the story of Rousseaus encounter, Cooper incorporated a three-shot drill into his training at the famous Gunsite Academy. During the Mozambique War of Independence (1964-1974) mercenary Mike Rousseau was fighting at the airport in Moputo. Over the years, this drill has morphed into a variety of other drills and, if you put any two firearms instructors together, youll get a different opinion as to how its to be properly executed. Portugal had ruled Mozambique for four hundred years, had subsequent deep roots in the country, and was not leaving without a fight. [104], Few works by historians have been published on the volunteers who served with the Rhodesian Security Forces. Failure Drill: A Proven Strategy to Stop an Attacker Type of Sear & Hammer Engagement has Little Effect : The British Military Advisory and Training Team and the Creation of the Zimbabwe National Army", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Foreign_volunteers_in_the_Rhodesian_Security_Forces&oldid=1135864497, The historians Peter Godwin and Ian Hancock have written that foreign volunteers represented only a "tiny minority" of the Rhodesian military in 1972, with 90 per cent of recruits being Rhodesians and most of the remainder. He told Cooper the story, and Cooper began to teach what he called the "Mozambique Drill" at Gunsite. 2023 Springfield Armory. During fighting at the Loureno Marques airport (modern-day Maputo ), Rousseau rounded a corner and encountered a FRELIMO guerrilla, 10 paces away and armed with an AK-47. Ideally, a more practical application might be to fire two shots to the torso, take two steps back and to the side to keep your distance and, if your attacker is still attacking, attempt the head shot. [40], The Rhodesian government did not accept all offers of volunteers. [47], The Rhodesian Special Branch sought to vet all of the foreign volunteers for security risks. List of battleships of the United States Navy, List of aircraft of the Malaysian Armed Forces, http://practicalfirearmstraining.com/reading/HandgunDrillsPDF.pdf, Handgun Wounding Factors and Effectiveness, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, USMC manual CMC-37R of 8 Feb 2006: METHOD OF TARGET ENGAGEMENTS. Soldier of Fortune ran large numbers of articles on foreigners in the Rhodesian Security Forces during the Bush War; each edition published between 1975 and 1980 included at least one article on the subject. While engaged in fighting at the airport of Loureno Marques (modern-day Maputo), Rousseau was armed with only a Browning HP35 pistol. Guerrilla fighters were swarming the airport and Rousseau turned a corner and nearly bumped into a FRELIMO fighter wielding an AK-47. Jews Can Shoot is a civil rights group that honors the memory of the Holocaust to preserve, protect and defend the Second Amendment and was formed for the purpose of education regarding gun laws, gun rights, legal precedent and cause-related advocacy. Get the latest news and reviews from Gundigest.com. These In 1980, two Los Angeles Police Department SWAT officers, Larry Mudgett and John Helms, attended pistol training at Gunsite and received permission from Cooper to teach the technique to the LAPD, and to rename it the Failure Drill (concerned that "Mozambique" might have racist overtones). The Carter administration considered taking steps to stop Americans serving in Rhodesia, but this did not result in any policy changes. At least thats what Ive been told. The sanctions it imposed following UDI banned efforts to entice British citizens to live or work in Rhodesia. [37] Some of the Americans volunteered to work as security guards on farms in Rhodesia as this offered the opportunity to fight communists while receiving higher pay than that offered by the security forces. The French troops were being withdrawn from Djibouti upon that country's independence, and French intelligence agents helped facilitate their recruitment by the Rhodesian Army. [59] They enlisted for a period of three years, which was the same as white Rhodesians who joined up on a full-time basis. Aaron Cowan of Sage Dynamics takes a look at the Mozambique Drill and puts his own spin on it, suggesting for arguments sake to try firing all three shots to the head instead of two to the chest and one to the head. [21], While most of the security forces' personnel were black, the Rhodesian government had a strong preference for whites. [47], All foreign volunteers were required to complete basic training upon arrival in Rhodesia, even if they had prior military experience. This drill was popularised by Rhodesian mercenary Mike Rousseau, during the Mozambican War of Independence, who was the inspiration for the character of Kuben Blisk. Its editor was a strong supporter of the white Rhodesian cause and wanted to encourage Americans to fight for Rhodesia. "The Mozambique Drill: A History and How To", "Lesson Plan: Immediate Target Engagement (CMC-22 Combat Marksmanship Coaches Course 08/12/2008)", "History of the Failure Drill: Mozambique Revolt Roots", "Shooting Skills: The Mozambique-Failure Drill", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mozambique_Drill&oldid=1141379493, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 24 February 2023, at 19:40. LLC. During the Mozambican War of Independence, a Rhodesian mercenary by the name of Mike Rousseau was engaged in a firefight at the airport at Lourenco Marques. So why not just send the first shot to the head? .22 LR Self-Defense Ammo Testing - Gunpowder Magazine If youve been around defensive pistol shooting for a while, youve likely heard of the Mozambique Drill (AKA, failure to stop drill). 50 Rounds of 185gr JHP .45 ACP Ammo by Federal - AmmoForSale.com If I were to guess, I would say Rousseaus ammo was a 115-grain with a muzzle velocity of 1,200 fps. FRELIMO's Marxist underpinnings earned it support from Russia and China. Springfield Armory recommends you seek qualified and competent training from a FRELIMO was the dominant political party in Mozambique fighting for independence from Portugal. They generally joined the Rhodesian Security Forces individually after seeing advertisements or after being contacted by recruiters. In a veritable ocean of blood, one otherwise trivial engagement gained lasting notoriety. [10] This ideology attracted support from many mainstream conservative politicians and military veterans in the United Kingdom and United States, as well as from some far right groups in those countries. Historian Michael Raeburn put the figure in 1978 as between 1,500 and 2,000. Taken aback by the failure of his double tap to stop the threat, Rousseau took a moment, leveled his pistol at the charging mans face, and fired a third round. the technique may also be called a triple tap, or failure to stop drill. "All too many of the other great tragedies of historyStalins atrocities, the killing fields of Cambodia, the Holocaust, to name but a fewwere perpetrated by armed troops against unarmed populations. After the end of the Frontier War, he went on to create a popular bloodsport competition called the Apex Games. The bullet hit the base of his attackers neck, severed the spinal cord, and stopped the fight. The Rhodesian government actively recruited white personnel from other countries from the mid-1970s to address manpower shortages in the Rhodesian Security Forces during the Rhodesian Bush War. It sought to attract more white immigrants to the country, but from 1973 onwards the white population decreased. Software has been extensively modified by the DU administrators. Volume 9: EDC Digital Magazine. That was in the 1400s and 1500s when Portugal set up trading settlements that evolved into colonies. [38], Most of the foreigners who volunteered to fight for Rhodesia did so individually. The Portuguese forces collaborated with Rhodesia which had experience from the Bush War in the early 1960s to create special forces teams to deal with FRELIMO. All Rights Reserved. Back in the day when European countries colonized portions of Africa, this area on the east coast of Africa was called Portuguese East Africa. The foreign volunteers who fought for the country are celebrated by these groups. [8] The historian Donal Lowry has endorsed Evans' views, noting also that "the Rhodesia Front sought to combine the notion that Rhodesia embodied the best of true Britishness, the notion that white Rhodesians were the sort of people who once made the Great" of Britain, while turning to America as the only remaining champion of the Free World. It was finished in 1980 and published in 1991. Semi-automatic pistols in those days relied on FMJ bullets so the pistol would function properly. The Browning Hi Power: The Superlative WWII Combat Handgun That Played Africa has always offered employment opportunities to those with certain skills. [92] Many of the Americans wrongly believed that their government opposed their presence in Rhodesia, with articles in Soldier of Fortune and works by the author Robin Moore also claiming this. This proved impossible due to the large numbers and difficulty of checking their backgrounds. The Mozambique Drill, which is also known as the Failure Drill, Failure to Stop drill, the "Djibouti Shooty", or, informally, "two to the chest, one to the head," is a close-quarters shooting technique that supposedly originated with a Rhodesian mercenary, Mike Rousseau, in the Mozambican War of Independence, hence the name. One such soldier of fortune was Mike Rousseau. Live The Armory Life. So how does a Rhodesian mercenary figure into the story? Rousseau immediately performed a double tap two shots to the center of the torso. The Mozambique drill was made famous by Jeff Cooper after learning about this incident. As he turned a corner, he bumped into a FRELIMO guerrilla armed with an AK-47. in 1978, he was the final recipient of the Rhodesian civil Independence Commemorative Decoration for services rendered to the country. The Mozambique Drill brings together low-round count that challenges a shooter's speed, accuracy, and fundamentals. The articles in Soldier of Fortune reflected Rhodesian government propaganda, as they claimed that the country was a western democracy, the war was being fought against communism and did not discuss the oppression of Rhodesia's black majority. These volunteers felt that Ian Smith had betrayed white Rhodesians by signing this agreement. [46], In addition to the actual volunteers, thousands of South African Police and South African Defence Force (SADF) personnel were deployed to Rhodesia by the South African government to serve in or alongside the Rhodesian Security Forces. FRELIMO was the dominant political party in Mozambique fighting for independence from Portugal. He is the author of numerous gun books, including 9MM Guide to America's Most Popular Caliber, a #1 New Release on Amazon. Copyright 2023 BearingArms.com/Salem Media. [4] UDI was illegal under British law, and was regarded as such by almost all other countries and the United Nations. [103] Stephen Jeffreys' 1980 play 'The Jubilee Too' included a British volunteer who had returned from Rhodesia as one of its characters. Alex Kozinski, Chief Judge, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Flat nose bullets and hollow points were not in widespread use, so those FMJs from Rousseaus HP35 must have passed right through the fighter. [7] The party believed that Rhodesia needed to take a stand against the perceived communist threat to protect western civilisation in Africa. This was because they believed that it was being fought to sustain white rule and prevent communists from taking over the country. Two to the body and one to the head is guaranteed to stop a threat. The drill is also sometimes called the Failure Drill, as the third and final shot is made in response to a situation when the double tap fails to stop an advancing threat. During the fighting, he encountered a guerrilla fighter armed with an AK-47 at . Many could well have been avoided or mitigated, had the perpetrators known their intended victims were equipped with a rifle and twenty bullets apiece, as the Militia Act required here. Id argue that if the two shots at (and hopefully in) the chest of an aggressor fails to convince him to break off his attack, then youd be better to drop your aim to fire the third shot (and perhaps fourth and fifth shots) at the pelvis next. He serves as contributing editor for several magazines, including NRAs American Rieman and Shooting Illustrated, Varmint Hunter, and Combat Handgunner, and is the editor for Gun Digests Cartridges of the World 13th Edition. Rhodesian Mike Rousseau was serving as a mercenary in the Mozambican War of Independence. Shooting Skills: The Mozambique-Failure Drill - Gun Digest While engaged in fighting at the airport of Loureno Marques (modern-day Maputo), Rousseau was armed with only a Browning HP35 pistol. As he turned a corner, he bumped into a FRELIMO guerrilla armed with an AK-47. As he turned a corner, he encountered a FRELIMO guerrilla armed with an AK-47. While Im no gunfighter and there isnt any (sane) person who wants to learn gunfighting from me, Id offer another alternative that might be more slightly attainable to more people, and which is suggested by our own Stephen Wenger based off of his decades in studying armed self-defense. What these European countries didnt factor in was the determination of the African people. They also feared for their lives due to a perception that a black majority government would place them on trial for murder and other crimes. |-- Ask the Administrators Armed with a Browning HP35 pistol chambered in 9mm, Rousseau immediately brought up his Hi Power and shot the guerrilla twice in the chest. Originally, it was called the Mozambique Drill, but the more current name is Failure Drill. Kuben Blisk is a South African mercenary Pilot who served in the IMC 's forces as a ranking commander and contracted mercenary. The story goes that this technique originated with a Rhodesian mercenary, Mike Rousseau. [96][97] In January 1980 the British Lord Privy Seal, Ian Gilmour, stated that the British government had committed during the negotiations that led to the Lancaster House Agreement to not remove foreigners from the Rhodesian military prior to the election. [64] The RLI was a key element of Rhodesia's strategic reserve, and was frequently deployed against guerrilla forces. The Walther P38: Godfather of the modern combat handgun In 1977 the pretender to the Albanian throne, Leka I, asked the Rhodesian government to train a battalion of Albanians that he hoped to recruit. Your goal should be three accurate shots in under four seconds. Towsley on Tactical blog Archives - Bryce Towsley [8] The academic Michael Evans has written that "the Fronts world-struggle ideology was based on a conspiratorial interpretation of modern politics that emphasised virulent forms of Anglophobia, anti-communism, anti-internationalism, and anti-liberalism". MOZAMBIQUE DRILL.. Rhodesian Mike Rousseau was serving as a mercenary in the Mozambican War of Independence. While a thousand organizations use the Holocaust as a platform for speeches about tolerance, Alex Kozinski, Chief Judge, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Children Of Jewish Holocaust Survivors [Jews Can Shoot].
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