They should be able to assist you with getting your claim submitted. Semper Fi . He did so much research on this letter (the Aug. 2015 memo)., These men are now in many cases in their 80s, Trone said. My husband served in Viet Nam and has several disabilities related to agent orange. As a disabled Veteran, Desert Storm era, all i can say is its about damn time!!! ABF3 USS HORNET (CVS-12). Hang in there Brother. Hard of hearing as well. Tom had wished for years that he could find his friend. Go to DAV or VA.GOV search fir VSO( veteran service officer) and have them submit another claim immediately. My husband and I are both 100% disabled vets and if I could increase my disability to more I would! Longshot, but were you there in 68 as well. I have been diagnosed with Parkinsons disease. When I got home I worked at NASA Moffitt Field and then got a job as a Pipefitter for Local 38 and worked first on an Oiler USNS TALUGA in Oakland Docks, and at the Naval Dry docks at San Francisco Triple -A 3rd street on DD, FF, Destroyers, and the USN supply ship Mars . And I wanted to try to talk to him, Ellen Spinks. New Conditions Added to Agent Orange Presumptive List January 15, 2021 Updated: January 30, 2023 Three new conditions were recently added to the list of presumptive conditions for which the Department of Veterans Affairs grants service connection to Vietnam War veterans affected by exposure to the chemical herbicide Agent Orange. have hearing loss. Im proud, its just too hard to pass on anything good to say about serving your country. I have heard nothing since. I served in the Marine Corps from 1972-1979. Is someone here have the truth? Woo hoo! Praying this morning for you and your family. I went back in time and pulled up my old ships log and was shocked to see the ships daily log showing injuries to my fellow sailors falling down stairs, broken finger, stitches on their scalp and splints on their fingers but sent right on back to work, it happened to me also but now I find out that no records were kept. Official websites use .gov Loaded agent orange, asked what was in the drums, they said they could not tell me. You say that it is proven those chemicals cause various diseases including Scleroderma Where can I find such VA information mentioning that specific, rare autoimmune disease. In 2009 I had colon cancer surgery. Its easy. Together we are working trying to get all our ducks in a row to file a widows pension claim on the newly approved Parkinsonism agent orange approved disease. Mary L. Unfortunately you only had one year to continue his claim. He kept his job until he died. He is now 100% covered and we are seeing good results from the VA and their care for him. Im not sure if VA has put me into the exposed group. Maybe Ill still be alive! Hodgkins Disease Agent Orange Exposure And VA Disability Compensation - Veterans Affairs I submitted my additional medical documents and completed my medical exam. He also suggested contacting political representatives to get them to work with you. You cant win. I served as an infantryman during the same period. He was also exposed to Agent Orange. An official website of the United States government. I trusted the authorities in charge completely. Thanks. "Many of those who have been exposed are living with cancers, heart disease or Parkinson's disease. Thailand Military Bases and Agent Orange Exposure - Public Health What about bases here in the states that stored or disposed of barrels of Agent Orange, like Camp Pendleton? If youre alive and sick file for my family who cant. Exposed to AO many times. Harmon said his sense is that once attorneys are involved, claims from veterans who served in Thailand can be settled in as quickly as six months. Parkinsons? I filed a week later for survivor benefits. No other family member has this condition. One place my brother was stationed was Dong Ha. Vietnam War era Veterans and their survivors who previously filed and were denied benefits for one of these three new presumptive conditions will have their cases automatically reviewed without the need to refile a claim. I served in Viet Nam Nov 70 -Nov 71, at Anloc VN and was diagnosed in 2010 with hypothyroidism. That has been appealed with the help of the Dept of Veterans Affairs. Those of us who served on aircraft carriers operating out of yankee station are denied compensation for agent orange related conditions because we were outside the 12 mile limit. What a deal if you were in county flying into defoliated areas it doesnt count. He has a number of health issues. Im currently receiving a 20% rating for surgeries related to recurring shoulder dislocations while attending cliff assault school, boxing in smokers, and playing various sports for Marine units while stationed in Twenty-Nine Palms and Camp Foster, Okinawa. My father was in Vietnam as D he was a rifle man and jumped out of planes. Then the following week I get a letter saying I missed my appt. My daughter lived for a month & 7 days. , my fathers name was Gary Tollie.USMC 10% for coronary artery disease and bypass surgery? I filed a claim with VA and was turned down. Biden awards Medal of Honor to Vietnam Col. Paris D. Davis after 60-year delay. Today I live with one lung because of my exposure to AGENT ORANGE. Make sure you go to these appointments and provide as much evidence to support your claim as possible. I am a VSO and I always get comments that the VA is That is partly correct. A little compensation for Agent Orange was used at my location. Together WE can connect veterans with their benefits by sharing this information. Was it used in Germany at the same time? This country was sprayed with agent orange. File a claim at You being the spouse rather than the actual veteran, you may or may not get to join. In early 2012 he was diagnosed with bladder cancer, liver cancer and it was in his bones also. Air Force worked in air freight. I am now 67, unable to work and already living in an old age living facility. Every day is a challenge: financially, physically, and emotionally. Last his sight basically overnight when the inflammation hit the optic nerve. They will help you prepare your disability claim . So, good luck to any of you still living and fighting. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) recently added three more presumptive conditions related to Agent Orange exposure bladder cancer, hypothyroidism and Parkinsonism which has the potential to impact many Vietnam veterans who were exposed to the tactical herbicide. Persian Gulf War? them are Veterans themselves. If you would like my help just let me know. Liars!!! The examiner at the ba denied my application for the 10 percent increase of my benefits because she said i should have gone to a doctor in the battle field. Now I have all kinds of wonky neurological problems and autoimmune disease. Typically, the VA looks for evidence of duty near base perimeters or fence lines to establish herbicide exposure. Interestingly, my husband was approved after being diagnosed with prostate cancer. My husband also was there during Tet 67-68. PDF Agent Orange in Thailand - DAV VA will be publishing the PACT Act Performance Dashboard every other Friday to measure the implementation of PACT Act and showcase its impact on Veterans and survivors. Good luck. I served in Thailand at Uteipio AFB in 1972-1973. The children of Vietnam are still affected by it. Thank you for your service!!!! I would go up north to snorkel and fish during my time off. I guess the VA is waiting for me to check out completely. My countys VA reps paycheck comes out of our tax moneynot all counties are willing to pay for us to have a good representative. Charles McDivett. Does anyone know if Agent Orange was used during the Korean War? A Maryland Democrat, David Trone, a member of the House Veterans Affairs Committee, has introduced the latter piece of legislation. This was the only work I ever did under such conditions and now I pay a very high price, no future. VA will apply the provisions of court orders related to Nehmer v. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, which may result in an earlier date for entitlement to benefits for Veterans who served in the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam War. Foc also told me that the PAHC senior executive has left and there are no more nurses to assist the doctors. They deserve quick adjudication for their claim and we cannot put the burden on the veterans who served their country.. Senators John Boozman (R-AR) and Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee Chairman Jon Tester (D-MT) are renewing their bipartisan effort to support veterans who served in Thailand during the Vietnam War-era by . Veterans who served in Thailand have long contended they face a higher bar in winning Veterans Administration (VA) disability benefits claims, having to clearly demonstrate they were exposed to. Pour toulene on rag, wipe up, and repeat. My dad died of cancer and I RECEIVED NO BENEFITS from the VA as i am my dad only survivor. Too late. VA will send letters to impacted Veterans and survivors. The Secretary recently concluded the first iteration of a newly formed internal VA process to review scientific evidence to support rulemaking, resulting in the recommendation to consider creation of new presumptions of service connection for respiratory conditions based on VAs evaluation of a National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine report and other evidence. while going through a colnoscopy when i was told they (the doctors and my team care givers) had been looking at my thyroid glans and let me know that they have concerns. Thank you. I had this similar experience-only served immediately after the Vietnam conflict, on a LPH THAT TRANSPORTED agent orange, helicopters and, was deployed to south east Asia, and we took it to dry dock. By 2014, the front and both sides of his brain completely shrank and was unable to comprehend judgment and needed full-time care. I periodically return to refile so that my family will have something to pester them with after I pass. I now have reduced kidney function arthritis and multiple degenerative muscle skeletal issues. Attention A T users. He was recently diagnosed with Parkinsonism. He was buried in the VA cemetery with honors . says good luck. Vietnam 69 and 70. My father was Franklin Coon served in Vietnam. Its a shame how they treated him once he got sick. Agent Orange Benefits Resources - DVEN Denied for tinnitus after action in Vietnam. He use to say they would spray agent orange below the hills he was on to control the jungle below them. Lets see what the VA does for me and others .For some reason they only admit Lejeune. Plus, he also served in Desert Storm and has his own set of problems from that :-( Good luck EVER getting the government to admit anything close to causative exposure. I am trying to find out more about other vets exposed to Agent Orange who have been diagnosed with Scleroderma. I could go on and on. My husband did three tours in Vietnam on the USS Chowanoc. Sadly the VA denies ALL such claims. If you were denied they will contact you, you do not need to submit another claim. There are a couple of things that come to mind that you could try. Army. Had been notified that i will receive 30% disability for being contaminated with AO and the Rainbow Herbicide agents. Makes no sense. Make your claim ASAP if you havent already. I do believe that those who RUN / ruin the VA truly dont care and are pencil pushers who are only there for that government paycheck. Because all the perimeters were sprayed with various types of herbicides with dioxin in it. Thats why I ask, is there anybody left? These, mostly men, werent thanked for their service, werent cheered as they arrived home. My husband has prostate cancer and VA wouldnt approve disability for that either. I need to be working but I cannot! IM CALLING WASHINGTON TO FIND OUT WHY WE ALL HAVE TO WAIT SO LONG FOR THEM TO DO SOMETHING! When was this and what was this? Filed again 12/15/2020 in anticipation of the dx finally being approved as presumptive. [Editor: Although VA recommends Veterans work with accredited VSOs, heres a few details that can help. Call: 988 (Press 1), U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs | 810 Vermont Avenue, NW Washington DC 20420. Ive been told by VA examiners that its not in my blood system. I was stationed at Camp Lejune in Feruary 1959.I had a claim filed.Last year In August I had a traumatic brain injury and nearly died twice.While I was rehabilitating from this injury I received a call from the Veterans Administration about my claim.We got into an argument she told me she was also a Marine she was very nasty. Is he bragging about complying with the law? Please, if anyone else has been diagnosed with Aphasia, or PPA -Primary Progressive Aphasia, please contact me. My dad died on my 57 birthday. Form or find a support group to work together in filing claims. After a complete resection of my esophagus & upper stomach & removal of the Vegas Nerves in my stomach with follow up radiation therapy, I lost over 70 lbs., which I have never been able to regain. What about soldiers who served in Vietnam AND South Korea both of which resorted in exposure to Agent Orange? While I am here I am 100 % pt, I am lucky I guess it took only 8 months for my receiving I was proud to restore many F 111 A fighters environmental systems back to peak efficiency. I still believe I was subjected to Agent Orange. God help us! My husband had a buddy who died there in 68, and all I knew was his unit and first name. Make an appointment. After 2 and years of much pain and suffering he died December 21 2020. Just my own opinion, I have all but given up even trying. We need to be filling their mailboxes with our concerns as often as possible. Can anyone in the VA administration help me understand why COPD and other respiratory diseases are not covered for exposure to agent orange ? He battled with many service connected medical/neurological issues including Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) until he died in 2017. I applied for Agent Orange disability, but the VA denied my claim. I have tinnitus and PTSD and it have being not approve my claim., for those. My name is Nicole Coon. Having any of these conditions is not fun and thanking us for our service doesnt help much. I have heard that also, and was attached to the SeaBees Public Works, at NAS Agana, June 1974-November 1975so there is a chance we used the damned stuff to spray and had not a clue. My name is Beverly Smith and my husband Rodney died 28 months ago with Lung cancer. For the last 24 years, I have been trying to tell the VA that my Hypothyroidism [Graves Disease] is a result of my two years in daNam: Vung Tau, Lai Khe, TDYs to parts unknown, and lastly Saigon. Enlisted USMC, 2nd BN, 26th Marines, 9th MAB (Battalion Landing Team), I-Corp, 1968-69, Combat Field Radio (PRC-25) Radio Operator. I was there for a short period of time. My father died from cancer from Agent Orange colon cancer the VA denied it . How about the contaminated waters in Fort Dix, They took away my health and my youth and replaced it with an endless routine of jumping through hoops to get basic healthcare needs, and now, as my body rapidly deteriorates, I will be forced to keep working until I die, which wont be soon enough. My husband served in Vietnam in 1967-1968 and was diagnosed with AML leukemia in September 2020 and died in February 2021. I am a Blue water Vietnam Veteran that severed three tours off the coast of Vietnam. Ask anyone who served in Vietnam and it was common practice to dispose of human excrement by mixing it with diesel fuel and burning it. Our 29 year old son was just diagnosed with CML Leukemia. He was a body builder & very health conscious! Agent Orange is one of several "tactical herbicides" used by the U.S. military during Operation Ranch Hand, a multi-year chemical warfare operation during the Vietnam War. Please switch auto forms mode to off. I know of another individual who served in Vietnam and has the exact condition. I was a platoon leader in Vietnam with the 1st Cavalry Division in 1969 and Ive been able to locate and contact more than 50 men from my unit. What about glioblastoma brain? I thought one of the most iconic scenes in the movie Platoon had in the background mamma sans stirring something in cut in half 55 gallon drums and burning it. So probably not a budget buster. He died of lung cancer and I was told after he died I could no longer proceed with our request. Will she possibly be eligible for benefits of the new changes? If they need more money to help all Veterans contaminated, they need to find the money and stop discriminating one age of Veteran against the other which has happened over last twenty years with no regard for the legality. Please check it out. He proudly gave 23 years to our country. This AO affected my circulatory system (heart), lungs (everything hits my lungs first), and other issues starting in my early 30s. . Veterans who served in Thailand have long contended they face a higher bar in winning Veterans Administration (VA) disability benefits claims, having to clearly demonstrate they were exposed to Agent Orange or other harmful herbicides while their fellow veterans enjoy a presumption that they were exposed. Shouldnt the VA have records of pulmonary following him those 4 years with repeat chest x-rays to monitor deterioration of his COPD? Check in with the VFW or American Legion and they can guide you thru the process. I sat in the chair, demanded him to look and waited for his lazy ass to find it! 100 percent service connected. In Thailand, Agent Orange was used to clear the jungle around bases, as a means to enhance security. We have learned to never trust our government. Multiple Myeloma 9th Division.??? ALL WHO SERVED DESERVE TO KNOW the answer/s to question/s being addressed. Those who had served at one of the military bases in Thailand listed in the below URL and the locations at those bases identified, and experiencing any of the ailments considered possibly caused by Agent Orange (including prostate cancer) may now be eligible for VA treatment and compensation. The planes were routinely decontaminated after they landed on the carriers. Often fence lines were sprayed to kill vegetation that may have hid the presence of enemy soldiers. Im a diabetic, I have high blood pressure. many times not waiting the 30 minutes to drink. We are suffering from toxic exposure and suffering from many many ailments. Best advicedo the paperwork, get your service records, go the the VA and get an advocate. He served in Vietnam in the Army from 1967 -1968. Doctor told me heart ( VA has me on meds, surgery in 2002) not in AO conditions. March 3 (UPI) -- In a cost-saving move, retail giant Amazon announced Friday that it will delay construction on a planned second corporate headquarters dubbed "HQ2" in Arlington, Va. President Joe Biden thanks German chancellor for his nation's help in Ukraine. have hearing loss, VA plans, budget, finances, and performance. When I returned to the USA I was stationed at Camp LeJeune and exposed to Benzene in the drinking water and suffered bladder cancer. My dad also served in Vietnam and was exposed to Agent Orange and I have a genetic mutation or defect that showed up in the chromosome tests called Ankylosing Sponylitis. Submit the claim Ischemic heart disease. Unfortunately, not all VA reps are equal. So much for all those people and ads saying welcome home. I am proud of my service in the navy, however, our government did a poor job of protecting us while we served. I need help! I spent a lot of time in those training areas and it would certainly explain my diabetes and kidney disease with no family history of either. Some Veterans pay all at once while others pay over a lifetime. Go to the nearest Disabled American Veterans office and ask them for assistance. It is shameful how they have forgotten us if they can lie their way out of doing anything for us. Im not convinced the toxic exposure will ever be gone. My daughter was born with autism. Just get knowledgeable advice, from the VA or an accredited veterans service organization such s the DAV. I agree with every word you wrote. Im 75 and i am sick and tired of being lied too. Good luck with that! Google Okinawa and Agent Orange. When I found out about this benefit 2012 I had remarried and was told I could get nothing. Id contact the VA and find out where to file to start receiving widow benefits. Is this true? All camp sites were heavily sprayed ,where our tents for our barracks and mess hall were placed. What a slap in the face!! 3. When did you serve in Korea? Developed diabetes. To receive updates on my teams efforts, sign up for the newsletter now. We didnt know what killed all the vegetation in many areas on Searching and Destroy missions? Hey Angel, Im in the same boat Vietnam 68-69.. 50% disability for same disabilities. My father battled a round of prostate cancer and 10 years later Leukemia which is what killed him Both caused by agent orange. I sent in my biopsy showing prostate cancer and my Bronze Star commendation for service in country. I tried to respond to you twice, but they wont accept my posts for some reason. My regret is that he was not told what could happen and suggest test to be done Secondly we need to know more about the genetic changes. 2 [Discussion Draft] 1 SEC. I remember returning home for Vietnam in 1973 only to be SPAT on by college students as if to shame those of us who served, AND remember, we were FORCED to serve if your draft number was low. (Even though he had rectal cancer and now has a colostomy.) VAs review supports initiation of rulemaking to address the role that particulate matter pollution plays in generating chronic respiratory conditions, which may include asthma, rhinitis and sinusitis for Veterans who served in the Southwest Asia theater of operations during the Persian Gulf War and/or after September 19, 2001, or in Afghanistan and Uzbekistan during the Persian Gulf War. I assumed that once a person wS 100%, there was no need to further file for illness related to agent orange. The investigation did confirm use or tests in additional sites and dates in other locations. For the past several years, the VA has acknowledged that veterans who served in the Republic of Vietnam (including "brown water" veterans who served on the country's inland waterways) were exposed to tactical herbicides such as Agent Orange and that such . My 51 years of marriage Vietnam war Vet is totally debilitated in every capacities , bedridden, wheelchair bound , totally blind , etc..he required More than 100% care by me and we both are in our seventy and suffering horrific bodily pain ! I was in Vietnam during the year 1970. I inquired to my VA service rep. and he related to me that All decisions are on hold for Bladder Cancer claims until the VA develops final guidance on how to proceed with these claims. If you were in VN, now this disorder is on the presumptive list. I served in Thailand at the end of the war as a crew chief on F-4s. My brother, who was a chopper pilot for the Army in all of the Sand Box regions, has been riddled with cancer for several years now due to benzene and other additives they put in the jet fuel to help make it more stable. VIETNAM AND THAILAND VETERANS . I have had my thyroid removed due to thyroid cancer and served in Vietnam Nam from 67 to 68. Good luck. We die as you ignore. This needs to be mentioned in your claim. How meany of us will have to die a slow painful death before we can get recognized for needed benefits ? We are moving out smartly in initiating action to consider these and other potential new presumptions, grounded in science and in keeping with my authority as Secretary of VA, said Secretary McDonough. I was checked out by a so called doctor at the va clinic for hypertension my reading were 185/95 and the va doctor told me it was ok because of my age which is 70 I myself believe thats a lot of bull crap. Paula Im with you, daughter died 18 months neuoblastoma, brother 44 brain cancer, sister breast cancer and ovarian cancer, i have had lung cancer, leiomysarcoma, soft cell sarcoma, pre colon cancer, I recieved the MUTATED TP53 gene, i dont care what any say the agent orange is a direct reflection of so much death and pain in my family. I will continue the fight to get benefits for all veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange and other toxic chemicals regardless of where they served.. Nobody told us? The PPA has not been considered. im sure he falls in this category relating to his death. I also filed a claim for bladder cancer in 2010 and was denied. Our 29 year old son has CML Leukemia I believe from Agent Orange. Important Agent Orange Information for Those Who Served in Thailand Visit the Kansas Commission on Veterans Affairs Office. If you are in crisis or having thoughts of suicide, My disability claim was denied. Its the birth defects given to the children of the veterans. The investigation did confirm use or tests in additional sites and dates in other locations. 5/60, 3/60. I have had nightmares about the smell of shlt. This is absolutely the right thing to do for Veterans and their families.. A deceased buddy of mine was stationed on Guam. The science now confirms the link. They go hand in hand but the government doesnt recognize all the years my husband had dementia. During the daily exposure of ground hull bare nonskid surface, we were subject to a daily cloud of toxic particulate matter with only minimal safety protection. Chloracne (if it presents within one year of exposure to a degree of 10 percent disabling) Our son was conceived on that base. Veterans harmed by Agent Orange in Thailand hope Congress will hear This mysterious delay is not helping. When a Veteran mentioned he had only been out of the house three or four times in four years, his occupational therapy team sprung into action. I suffer from hypothyroidism, neurological issues, and have had several episodes of Transient Global Amnesia. Claims being denied and many of us are suffering and are dieing! Parkinsons Disease There should be a 1-800-827-1000 number or something similar. The smell was bad and if you inhaled the spaying compound one would have a hard time breathing. I have been thru 2 bladder cancer surgeries and have other medical issues. Steven, if you have not yet, check out Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance on Facebook. Catch 22! Website is still saying researching! After many years of dealing with the VA in Iowa City, I got him in to Danville, Illinois VA. I was told that unless I had diabetes, cancer there was nothing they could do. I resubmitted my claim July2019. Veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange may have certain related cancers or other illnesses. I served in Desert Storm and continued serving in SWA on and off for another14 years with my last mission in 2004.
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