Verify that all traffic control devices are correctly placed and functioning properly. Category 1 devices include traffic cones, plastic traffic drums, portable delineators, and channelizers. Tweets by @caltransdist6. Check that all crash cushion modules are filled with the proper weight of sand. Remember that the motorist has no knowledge of the traffic control plan and is entirely dependent on the system for warning and guidance. Confirm the contractor places portable flashing beacons according to the plans and removes them from the traveled way at the end of each nights work. Pedestrian facilities must be surfaced with asphalt concrete, portland cement concrete, or timber. COZEEP is not a baseline measurean important fact when resources are limited and CHP personnel may not be available when requested. Calculate the adjustment on a force account basis. Review the project for indications of driving difficulty. Call on Caltrans work forces only because of a physical inability of the contractor or a refusal by the contractor to act. The majority of Caltrans road projects (including this SR 41 example) fall under this category. The cost estimate used in the plans, specifications, and estimate is based on the expected number of events needing COZEEP identified during project development. When estimating COZEEP hours, take the following CHP operating policies into account: The detail estimate will show the initial funding level provided for COZEEP as supplemental funds for state-furnished materials and services. You may also consult the district Traffic Operations office. To expedite the work, it is helpful to close the exit temporarily if the contract, traffic patterns, and volumes permit. Do not allow the contractor to mix different types of temporary traffic control devices on the same alignment. Category 2 devices include barricades and portable sign supports. Consult with the transportation management center before temporarily closing a ramp not previously scheduled through the LCS. Midblock worksites should not cause pedestrians to skirt the worksite or make a midblock crossing. Design for the speed that vehicles will travel. The area where the surfacing joins the existing roadway can be critical. For example, anchor guardrail ends and install crash cushions. The project engineer should include the project estimate funds necessary to provide COZEEP as state-furnished materials and services. Obtain the name and contact information for the assigned onsite system coordinator. If differences exist, try to make them readily apparent. Use the posting of advisory speeds on warning signs to advise the public what speed is considered appropriate at specific locations, such as points of curvature or traffic diversion. As a last resort, the state representative has authority to stop the contractors operation, wholly or in part, or take appropriate action when public safety is jeopardized. Section 2-1, Safety, of this manual covers the responsibilities of the districts construction safety coordinator (CSC) who should periodically review the traffic handling for each project. The records form may vary according to the magnitude and complexity of the subject. Provides pedestrians with a reasonably safe, convenient, and accessible path that replicates, as nearly as practical, the most desirable characteristics of the existing sidewalks or footpaths. Do not permit rocks, concrete, or other hard objects to be used for this purpose. For a detailed discussion of acceptable temporary delineation methods, refer to Section 4-12, Temporary Traffic Control, of this manual. The special bulbs used with solar signs have much narrower beams than conventional bulbs and, therefore, require greater care while being aimed. Certain equipment, such as dike placement machines, can only operate off one side of the equipment and may need to be operated against live traffic. Caltrans Emergency Road Closures due to incidents impacts. Consider additional signage and temporary lighting for crossovers. A set of contingency action plans for each stage of the activities to prevent late opening of the traffic lanes. Portable Changeable Message Signs (PCMS) are required only during times, places, or activities stated in the plans and specifications and are not required when the traffic control system is nonoperational or for discretionary use. Use the following criteria and risk factors to determine when COZEEP is needed on a project. For construction projects awarded after June 30, 2021, all records are to be stored electronically in the Caltrans Falcon electronic document management system (FalconDMS). If the contractors activities interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic, contact the contractor and request correction of the deficiency. Both the senior officer and the project supervisor should sign the completed COZEEP daily report. Ask the contractor to remove nonoperating portable message signs from the job site away from traffic or protect it in accordance with Section 7-1.04 Public Safety, of the Standard Specifications. caltrans. Review the requests to avoid oversights and overbooking. Welcome to the official Facebook Page of Caltrans District 1! Obtain self-certification using Form TR-0030, "Work Zone Category 1 Temporary Traffic Control Device Certificate of Crashworthiness," from the contractor. At the preconstruction conference, discuss the traffic control plan with the contractor. If the portable transverse rumble strips become out of alignment or skewed by more than 6 inches, have the contractor readjust them to the original location. Unless the contractor can provide a reasonably safe route that does not involve crossing the roadway, use appropriate advance signing to direct pedestrians to cross to the opposite side of the roadway. Use the guidelines when determining when and how to use COZEEP on a project. Reviewing the needs and control of all road users is an essential part of highway construction, utility work, maintenance operations, and the management of traffic incidents through a work zone. Supplemental construction work may be necessary to retain the existing roadways effective operating characteristics. Contact Construction at headquarters for a current hard copy. Caltrans lane closure charts jackett animecrickett 22 scope Lane closure charts will show the number of lanes required during different hours of the day. Verify that the contractor is prepared to comply with TMPs related to work performance. All closure information is continually updated and subject to change. Frequently, the plans for stage construction, detour, or traffic handling will require arrays of temporary crash cushion modules. Verify the contractor delineates a PCMS with a taper consisting of nine traffic cones. Create a Requestor LCS account and set the option in the account to status closures for those who will request and status closures. When possible, implement temporary speed limit reductions in conjunction with a COZEEP operation. If the temporary automated end of queue warning system malfunctions for a cumulative period of 4 hours or more, no payment will be made for the day. Ramps and connectorsManaging ramps and connectors within a closure requires additional consideration. Do not use the contract item for temporary crash cushion modules to pay for temporary crash cushion modules that are placed to fulfill the requirements of the Public Safety section. Restore all signs and signals to normal operation. CHP invoices will include monthly charges for services provided. The Public Utilities Commission crossing number shown on the railroad crossing sign, Date the detour will be put into use and the estimated time it will be in use, Estimated volume of traffic to be detoured over the crossing, Whether additional protection is proposed. Reviews the TMP and traffic contingency plan for constructability issues. Use alternate methods to delineate this type of surface. Establishing continuity is especially necessary if previous traffic shifts have created confusing or conflicting diagonal joints and have eradicated pavement markings. The CHP sorts and subtotals the COZEEP service summary by project, including cost information. Verify that the contractor schedules and conducts a meeting to discuss the operation of impact attenuator vehicle as required under Section 12-3.23A(4), Quality Assurance, of the Standard Specifications. Ideally, the assistant resident engineer should be able to communicate directly with the contractors maintenance person by radio or cell phone. Caltrans requires TMPs for all planned activities on the State Highway System. The contractor bears costs and expenses for additional support from the CHP, and Caltrans deducts associated costs from monies due the contractor. Sections 12-4.04, Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, and 16-2.02, Temporary Pedestrian Facilities, require the contractor to provide pedestrian access. For high-visibility garment requirements refer to Section 2-106D, High-Visibility Garment, of this manual. Confirm that advance warning signs for the new taper are located correctly. Refer to Section 4-1202C (1a), "Lane Closure System," of this manual. Verify the contractor protects Type K temporary railing blunt- ends within 15 feet of the edge of the traveled way with temporary crash cushions. Figures 6H-28 and 6H-29, Sidewalk Detour or Diversion, and Crosswalk Closures and Pedestrian Detours of the California MUTCD are examples for accommodating the needs and control of pedestrians. Confirm full implementation of approved TMPs in close coordination with the DTM so that the disruption to the traveling public is minimized. During the inspection, drive through the system as though you had no knowledge of the work zone. 3. Prohibit messages that do not convey real-time information to the motorist. Follow the districts instructions for distributing news releases. The California Highway Patrol. The railroad company should be represented at a preconstruction meeting to discuss the schedule of work over or near railroad facilities. They are not detectable by persons with visual disabilities. Consider suspending work for the next shift until a written plan is provided to address future public safety. The change order that authorizes the extra work should reflect these costs. Prohibit the use of traffic cones that have been damaged or coated with asphalt or other substances that prevent the cones from functioning as intended. Perform additional reviews periodically throughout the construction project, since changes may affect the facilitys effectiveness. Where possible, compensate for a required reduction of one by an improvement of another. The project has sufficient funds available to pay for the CHP support. This layer is updated from information provided by Caltrans Headquarters Communication Center in support of state emergency response efforts for 2022 incidents. Include appropriate signage. 07/23/2020 State Route 210 Base Line Update (PDF) Agendas & Minutes. Cold storms bringing wind, rain and low-elevation snow heavy at times are forecast through early March. The CHP will submit the COZEEP service summary electronically for payment with a confirming hard copy to the district COZEEP coordinator. Coordinate with the district public information office to provide the public with information on planned project road closures, new road openings, traffic rerouting, and changes in traffic conditions. Inspect all traffic control devices to verify conformity with the specifications. Any contractor requests for COZEEP that are denied by the resident engineer should be in writing to the contractor stating the reasons for denial of the COZEEP support. Review the specification requirements and sheet T4 of the Standard Plans. Automated flagger assistance devices (AFAD) can be used in place of flagger to remove workers from the roadway to improve worker safety from traffic. If closure of an existing pedestrian route is required because of the contractors means and methods, remind the contractor of their responsibility to design and construct a TPAR at their expense, and obtain authorization to proceed with the work activities. QuickMap Know before you go. A square joint is even more necessary when asphalt concrete joins concrete, because at night and during rainy weather, the joints often stand out more prominently than traffic lane lines. Verify temporary pavement markers comply with Section 81-3, Pavement Markers, of the Standard Specifications, except for the waiting period before placing pavement markers on new asphalt concrete. Check the exposed surfaces of Type K temporary railing to verify they have received a fresh coat of white paint before initial placement on the job. When an AFAD becomes inoperable, notify the contractor to immediately replace it with an identical device, use a flagger with the appropriate-size advance warning sign and gate cones as shown in Standard Plan T13 or stop all construction activities that require the device to be in operation. Caltrans should order early pickup only when traveler and worker safety will not be compromised. Scheduled Times: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Expected Delay from Traffic Control due to Road Closure. 124000 and that a designed temporary pedestrian access route (TPAR) is part of the contract plans or that the TPAR Standard Plans are appropriate for the pedestrian route affected by the work activities. File formats include CSV, JSON, TXT and XML. For public safety, when flaggers are not shown on the plans or specified and when ordered by the engineer, providing flaggers is change order work for which Caltrans pays 100 percent. The CHP memorandum of understanding requires a minimum payment of 4 hours per officer. Coordinate work activities with the CHP and other local and regional transportation stakeholders as appropriate. An inevitable degree of mismatch between the old and new surfaces creates a slight discontinuity that may cause a car to lurch or swerve. Confirm that lighting intensity complies with the Cal/OSHA requirements. 18h. If the contractor fails to reopen the highway according to the closure charts, suspend work and request a detailed written construction contingency plan demonstrating that the highway will be opened as soon as possible. The last level of review will be the COZEEP statewide coordinator. The district will establish a procedure for preparation, review, and approval of changes related to roadway construction and detour plans that include traffic control devices. File completed ADA compliance reports in Category 23, Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, of the project files. If you accept a closure request, the status will change to PENDING. If you reject a closure request, LCS will send the contractor an email asking for a correction and resubmission. Review Section 81-3, Pavement Markers, of the Standard Specifications. The specifications require temporary traffic screen to have 3-foot-long openings spaced at 200-foot intervals. The objective of traffic control is to provide for worker protection and the safe passage of public trafficincluding bicycles, motorcycles, and pedestriansthrough and around the work zone with as little inconvenience and delay as possible. Confirm the intended vehicle path is clearly visible. Review Section 84-2.03, Construction, of the. Verify the contractor uses an impact attenuator vehicle as a shadow vehicle in moving closures and during placement and removal of components in stationary closures. The special provisions provide detail for railroad requirements including contractors responsibilities with the railroads to move materials or equipment within the limits of the railroad property. Provide the contractor with the message content and the thresholds used for triggering when the messages will be displayed. The Angeles FOREST Highway is under our jurisdiction and closures for this highway can be found on our website. Temporary pavement markers will not adhere to a cold in-place recycling surface. If a temporary pedestrian facility is needed, it should follow the ADA checklist in the. The contingency plan identifies alternative or additional equipment, materials, or workers necessary to allow continuing activities and on-time reopening of closures if a problem occurs. Verify telescoping flag trees are from a commercial-quality material manufacturer. Each advance warning sign shall be equipped The cost estimate should include an estimated number of COZEEP service hours and travel time converted into an equivalent dollar cost. Evaluate the COZEEP use criteria for complete highway closures and nighttime closures of one or more lanes on multilane highways. Review Section 12-4.05, Bridge Cleaning and Painting Activities," of the Standard Specifications. The California MUTCD Sign Charts contain commonly used signs in California, and is not meant to be used as a comprehensive or stand-alone design tool. If necessary, direct the contractor in writing to act at once to remedy any issue not in compliance with the contract: If the contractor cannot address the traffic safety issue because of a lack of materials and it is safe to do so, consider temporarily suspending the work until correction can be made. Verify the crash cushion array is in place before opening traffic lanes adjacent to the protected obstacle. Creating clear recovery zones may also require ordering staging of certain elements of the work, cleanup grading, and temporary placement or removal of materials. The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) today unveiled Safety Sam as their new safety cone mascot. The cost of providing flaggers is included in the bid item cost for portable signal systems.